Autumn Number 2018
Vol. 51, No. 14-17, October 7 - Nov 3, 2018
50 Years Later
- Editorial
Why Now?
Pause In Vietnam?
Frontier at 50
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
'Frontier': Part of Intellectural Life
- Amar Kant
Fifty Years of Frontier
- Santosh Rana
Voices from the Inside Out
- Anup K Sinha
Frontier, Samar Sen, Manu Kothari
- Sthabir Dasgupta
History Dramatises Truth
- Sankar Ray
Partisans in Common
- Bernard D'Mello
Lament Lenin: The Rant
- Farooque Chowdhury
Merger, Split, Merger
- Harsh Thakor
What Is To Be Done?
- I Mallikarjuna Sharma
The Struggle for an Equitable and Peaceful Society
- Arup Baisya
Revisting Jharkhand Movement
- Vir Bharat Talwar
Ambedkar and N K Bose on Caste
- Abhijit Guha
Caste Conflicts and Caste Politics in India
- Saral Sarkar
- P Bandhu & T G Jacob
Indic Islam
- Himanshu Roy
Guilty Men of the Two-Nation Theory
- Shamsul Islam
'Is There any Man in this Land'?
- Asok Chattopadhyay
Justice Rajinder Sachar and His Idea of India
- Kumar Rana
Peary Chand Mitra's The Spoilt Child, Chapter 25
- Ramakrishna Bhattacharya
Bicycle: Politics of Possibility
-T Vijayendra
1917 October Revolution Revisited
- Ranganayakamma
Third Cinema in Crisis
- Aurobindo Ghose
Encounters with Satyajit Ray
- Bibekananda Ray
Mannerist Cinema
- Abhijit Ghosh-Dastidar
Growing with Frontier
- Sandip Bandyopadhyay
Of Freedom and Farce
- Manas Bakshi
Inequalities: the Seamy side of Economic Development
- I Satya Sundaram
Small Peasants and Family Labour
- R Mukherjee
The Crisis of Banking
- Asis Ranjan Sengupta
What is UHC and why is it ill-suited for the Indian People?
- Imrana Qadeer & Kasturi Sen
'Science and Religion'
- Subhas Chandra Ganguly
Political Economy of Human Trafficking
- Smarajit Jana
Voices From Behind Bars
- Subhendu Dasgupta
Frontier, Autumn Number
Vol. 51, No. 14 - 17, October 7 - Nov 3, 2018