Autumn Number 2020
Vol. 53, No. 22-25, Nov 29 - Dec 26, 2020
'An Elephant In The Room'
- Editorial
Violence in the Caucasus
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Relevance of Communist Manifesto
- Ranganayakamma
'Other Voices in Naxalbari Movement...'
- Mihir Chakraborty
On Some Peremptory 'Critiques' of India's Maoist Movement
- Bernard D'Mello
The Legacy of a Tortuous Diplomatic Battle
- Aloke Mukherjee
How Engels Interpreted Historical Materialism
- Ramkrishna Bhattacharya
Socialism in Marx's Capital
- Paresh Chattopadhyay
100 Years of the Communist Movement in India
- Tricontinental
A few Pages from the old Diary
- Sumanta Banerjee
Unpacking Religious Nationalism
- Subhas Gatade
Pre-Colonial Education in India
- Himanshu Roy
Corporate Food and Agricultural Regime
- Tushar Chakraborty
Ruining the Tillers
- Bibek Sen
Of Unity and United Front
- Arup Baisya
Vara Vara Rao: A Sleepless Minstrel
- Asok Chattopadhyay
Coping with Corona
- Chaman Lal
Ideological Evolution of Subhas Bose
- I Mallikarjuna Sharma
The Saffron Establishment in Crisis
- Asis Ranjan Sengupta
Bashing Low-Paid Labour
- Barbara Harriss-White
When Workers occupied a Mill and ran it Successfully
- Nitayananda Ghosh
Waiting for a New World
- Subhendu Dasgupta
'A Camel Inside A Tent' Story
- Paranjoy Guha Thakurta & Abir Dasgupta
On Edge of Apocalypse?
- Bibekananda Ray
Who is Secular?
- Manas Bakshi
COVID-19 and Forced Eviction
- Abhijit Guha
Unionisation of Sex-Workers
- Smarajit Jana
Whose Crisis, Which?
- Farooque Chowdhury
Internationalism sans Communist International
- Harsh Thakor
Translation and Modernity
- T Vijayendra
'Fahrenheit 451'
- S G
Imperialsm: "Weakest Link" in Post-Lenin Marxism
- T G Jacob
Santhal Perception of Sound
- Pranjali Bandhu
Remembering Riazanov
- Sankar Ray
Left, Right, Left
- Devabrata Sharma
Clutching at Straws
- Sushil Khanna & Mritiunjoy Mohanty
India's Political Economy
- Anirban Biswas
Inequality and Epidemic
- Kumar Rana
RSS modelled after Nazis and Fascists
- Shamsul Islam
Peaceful Transition to Capitalism
- Ismail Chaudhury
Jan Myrdal
- H T
Islam, Freedom of Religion and France
- Irfan Engineer
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Frontier, Autumn Number 2020
Vol. 53, No. 22-25, Nov 29 - Dec 26, 2020