

‘50 Years Later’
This has reference to the editorial ‘50 Years Later’. [Frontier, Vol 49 No 48, June 4-10, 2017], Maoists have to turn realistic and concentrate on construction instead of destruction. They snbuld shed all preconceived models - of Russia, China or Vietnam.

It is not necessary that some great leader has to come forward orgreat slogan has to be taken up, etc. What is most needed is that grassroots work and dedicated organization by sincere and honest leftists. They should grow as banyan trees doing good and social service in villages and towns without aspiring for power, pelfs and name. Start and run an excellent school system which teaches the basics without fanatic ideas and also start and run excellent medical aid centers which reach to the poor and also one and all. Gradually things will change. Adversary politics done much harm - this is time for leftists to mainly immerse in constructive activities. Honest and serious criticism of wrong policies and measures certainly needed but in an educative and convincing language and manner and coupled with such constructive activities in all fields.

Leftists should participate and run the local self-governance mechanisms actively and honestly. That is more important than running after parliamentary and legislative elections, though these should also not be shunned but the contest should be fair, transparent and totally corruption-free. More than victory or defeat, it is the increase of voters supporting regularly that has to be counted.

Automation should not be opposed but its application should be suggested and striven to be implemented in the right manner and in the right fields. To counter unemployment due to any brusque automation by corporate crooks struggles have to be conducted but suggesting right and useful remedies.

Mutual mudslinging among leftists at least should be avoided and only mutual fair criticisms of policies and measures should be undertaken.

Even in opposition to governments at helm, irresponsible censures and criticisms should not be made but whenever a wrong policy or measure is criticized, the leftists should also be in a position to indicate the right things to be done in its place. They have to think and act in terms of “what and how we can do better in this field if and when we come to power.”

Capturing political power is only an important step and means of revolution but we should be clear that it is not the goal of revolution. Power at any cost is reprehensible. Once not power intoxicated or name (fame) intoxicated, leftists will certainly earn more credibility and popularity and the people and the systems will benefit a lot.        
I M Sharma, Hyderabad

Threat to Kashmir Solution
There are internal as well as external dimensions related to the Kashmir issue. An internal dimension pertains to the parameters of the relationship between the state of India and J & K or parameters of relationship between the state of Pakistan and its Kashmir. The external dimension pertains to the policies of India or Pakistan in support of their respective stand on the j and k conflict internationally with each other.

The real cause of all the bitterness and bloodshed, all the vehnomed speech, the recalcitrance and the suspicions that have characterised the Kashmir dispute is the creation of consent among all the factions of people, division of people on ethnic lines, the exploitation in the name of religion and nationalism. The people of Kashmir are like a rat in a cage ruled by bloody politicians and separatists. Many options and opinions have been offered and these boil blown to three alternatives : a. Recognition of the Line of Actual Control, b. referendum with the choice to join India or Pakistan, c, Independence. By analysing the first option that is, the LAC, neither Pakistan nor India seems to be a game for it. And indeed the LAC may not be acceptable to the people of Kashmir at this stage of development. Thus LAC is virtually a non starter. The second option of Kashmir joining India or Pakistan has roots in the partitiom of India, but would leave a trail of consequences that would permanently destroy the prospects of peace on this subcontinent. The third alternative would be welcomed to the Kashmiris will involve further partition of Kashmir into three separate units. The logic of partition on religious grounds rules Jammu and Kashmir from their inclusion against wishes into a composite state of Kashmir. The viability and security of a truncated Kashmir could be another problem.

People are being made blinded or they want to remain blinded because of their helplessness. Kashmiris can only cry and mourn, but they do not do anything for the situation.

This manufacturing of consent among various diversities led to the fact that Kashmir is a serious issue and people became optimistic about any solution. This creation of consent is the deliberate attempt of the uncomproming and perhaps uncomprimisible struggle of the two ways of life, two concepts of political organisations, two scales of vales that find themselves locked in deadly conflict.
Suriya Nazeer, University of Kashmir.

College Square
We totally oppose the recentmost decision of the chief Minister of West Bengal regarding the announcement of ban on assemblies and meetings in Collge Square, Kolkata. First of all, it is our opinion that the decision is an undesirable interference in the citizens’ fundamental right to freedom of expression. Secondly, College Square is known all-over the country as a heritage place for struggles ranging from anti-British patriotic movements to articulate opposition to the present ruling classes and their anti-people policies.

Thirdly, we consider that it is not desirable for a progressive, pro-people society that students should keep aloof from positive affirmative politics and instead concentrate on selfish careeristic pursuits.

Fourthly, the decision has been taken without paying any heed to the ordinary students of the University of Calcutta.

Fifthly, the basis of the decision is a false presupposition, which is that there is no existence and locus standi of forces opposed to those in power in West Bengal.

We demand immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the decision.
Chhotan Das, General Secretary, Bandi Mukti Committee West Bengal

Vol. 49, No.52, Jul 2 - 8, 2017