‘Rajrakta’ (The Royal Blood)
About 50 years ago Mohit Chattopa-dhyay, Bengali Indian playwright, screenwriter, dramatist and poet and a leading figure in modern Indian theatre, presented the drama, 'Rajrakta' (The Royal Blood). In this drama, he showed the differences of mode of king's rule in different times. It is a figure of speech akin to metaphor and allegory. He cleverly penned and directed the future of Indian democracy which has hardly any difference from any other system of rule. From slave system to modern democratic system, the mode of king's rule is a system of chain. Only the king (ruler) is different in the different patterns of system. A royal prerogative and the royal statute of extortion vary in terms of tactics and practices of rules.
The history of progress and development of the society and the economy is always the cause of origin of different political systems. Wealth and economy are the determinants who would be ruling the masses. Pain of rules of fxtortion of a system influences to organise masses for agitation against the rulers and rules. As a result of this, it deputises another ruler. The struggle of working classes/extorting masses is final indication of replacement of the king. This tradition has been repeating from one System to another in same state. In present democracy it is as it was.
The royal blood is not dried up when one system falls down. In the Indian democracy, the election of the government by people's votes is a statutory function and it is a technique of exploitation to the masses as well. After forming the government, the king of democracy (the highest authority elected by the support of the majority) tries to forget their promises and duties towards the electorates. The king of democracy thinks only and acts for their own goal. The intention is to lure the masses. The government of masses misguides the masses. The peace, integration and progress & development are their masks mouthpiece. Promoting conflict, disharmony as well as violence is the capital of tactics of their sustainability in the throne of democracy.
The masses as electorates cry and they blame their own fate and fortune. They have no alternative to come out from this system because of division and disorganisation.
So, people have to wait for the new regime/new system to get relief from this agony. No one knows definitely what would be the future and how it would.
But people hardly have any relief from ‘The Royal Blood’ because it was circulated, it is circulating and would be circulated through this system.
Harasankar Adhikari, Kolkata
Vol. 50, No.47, May 27 - June 2, 2018 |