Physics, Philosophy And Consciousness
More on Democratic Centralism
Arup Baisya
The energy-field created by the movement of
disparate and dispersed elements of the society or classes for coming close together in its conflict with its adversaries, the elements bearing the knowledge of enlightenment or consciousness of a party or a group may find themselves within the realm of this field. This is both a coincidence or a chance and a mental state—an intricate combination of an indeterminate and a determinate part. For the determinate part, one needs a theory of mind or a mind theory that determines whether the conscious elements will engage themselves for necessary observations. As for example, those elements that desire for a radical transformation of society and believe that working class is the agent for such changes, they will immediately observe how the working class is behaving when energy field is generated and when they find themselves within the realm of such energy-field. This observation cannot accurately determine both the momentum and time. How can one know that the disparate and dispersed elements of a society or class in a particular space-time are moving to come close to create an energy-field?
Let us assume that the thousands of workers of various strata are coming close in an industry against their owner. From outside the periphery of this particular industry, theory of mind that drives one to set one’s eye on the workers’ movement cannot alone draw one’s attention to observe the phenomenon within this particular industry. The dissemination of information linked with particular level of energy along with the observer’s position in the energy-field created by this particular energy level motivates the elements of party or group from outside to observe. Prior to that, the process internal to this industry and workers in formation as a social class does not exist to the observer. When the elements of a party or group observes, it interacts to create a new energy level. The observer determines the time to observe, but as soon as the observer observes, the momentum changes and becomes indeterminable. The reality prior to this interaction is not known and during interaction, it appears as a probability of change. This is perhaps the reason why Marx said, philosophers have interpreted the world in many ways, the question is how to change it. We are not sure whether the reality unveiled by the observer during observation is the complete picture of reality or reality exists independent of observer’s observation. If it is true that the social reality exists independent of the observer, then the observer, in this specific case the element of party or group, has no role to play for giving any direction of the movement for a radical change, the task of the observer becomes limited only to find out the fundamental law of society. Rather while dealing with a phenomenon, no sharp distinction can be made between the attributes of the elements of society or class and their interaction with the elements of a party or group. This may be the case where the inability to determine anything differentiates social science from physics whose sole purpose may be of determining what nature is as believed by Einstein and his search for an unified field theory till his death in contradistinction to Neil Bohr who believed that the task of physics is what we can say about nature. The two great physicists of their time were engaged in an unresolved debate for a long period of time based on thought experiments. It was only in the second half of twentieth century, Bell’s inequality theorem which came in support of Einstein’s claim that theory of quantum mechanics is incomplete and his idea of hidden variable, local reality and observer independent reality which is somewhat other than determinism, but not quantum mechanics which defines reality based on observer’s observation. But many later experimental results violated Bell’s inequality theorem, and these results were interpreted in such a way that the existence of quantum reality independent of observer’s observation is possible only when local criteria for reality is abandoned. The experiments are going on to assimilate the two views for a unified theory. I hope, Einstein is proven to be right. If his philosophical view for his endeavour to formulate unified field theory is proven to be correct, then physics remains as a distinct science of matter, otherwise the science of matter based on the quantum mechanics converges with the science of society.
As observation is not possible without some interaction with the elements of society or class from which energy is released or getting engaged with the internal process, the observation itself creates new disturbances or momentum and thus elevating the energy level. This interaction sets the direction of the movement of the classes. But as the energy radiated from the movement of the disparate and dispersed elements of the society or classes coming close and the timing of interaction with the members of the party or group which bears the theory of mind to transcend the existing society for a radical change are not simultaneously and accurately determinable, there are several options which appear as probable resultant future state of affairs.
Let us examine few such options. The particular movement of the classes against particular domination, hegemony and exploitation may unveil the character of both exploiters and the state and instill a sense of collective consciousness within the bounds of a particular space-time continuum. This consciousness in interaction with the members of the party or group may lead to the either of the many outcomes. One outcome may be that it settles down within the existing system by attaining some concessions from the exploiting classes and the state and in this scheme of things, both the consciousness from within and from outside dissipate energy to be absorbed by their adversaries within the system which has undergone changes in many forms in terms of exploitation and democracy but far short of any radical change. Another option is that the new energy-field generated from such interaction may elevate the entire space-time bounded within a state defined by a certain form of nation, howsoever inchoate, to move upward from their point of reference by absorbing the new energy. This leads to a change of energy level of both the exploiter and exploited in opposite directions from that situation. The momentum of such change may not be accurately determined, but the time can be determined when the exploiting and exploited classes swap position in the state structure, this is the moment which we term as revolution. As the second option is intertwined with the global system, there is also a third option that emanates from global space-time continuum.
But one thing is common in the above stated options and many others. The consciousness level of both the interacting forces apparently from within and outside undergoes changes and is not pre-determined by the theory of mind and matter. The determinism which is visible in everyday mundane life collapses whenever the phenomenon of such living interaction occurs.
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Vol 55, No. 7, Aug 14 - 20, 2022 |