

People Need a Different World

It is a world where war and conflict causes enormous distress, and in addition, preparation for future war causes a colossal waste of resources in the form of relentless, never-ending accumulation of weapons with ever-increasing capacity for destruction. Billions of dollars are wasted every year on creating this capacity of destruction which, if used more wisely and safely, can end all hunger, homelessness, and deprivation. Already enough weapons of mass destruction exist to destroy almost all life on earth several times over but still the completely irrational destructive pursuit continues to take more and more sinister forms including moving towards preparations for space warfare. About a dozen serious environmental problems seriously endanger life on earth as also the basic life-nurturing conditions. An unacceptably high number of people suffer from hunger, homelessness and extreme forms of deprivation. Prevailing conditions of injustice and inequality also result in very high levels of economic difficulties for a very large number of people. High levels of social disintegration, alienation, depression, violence, and self-violence in daily life every year cause enormous distress to increasing millions of people including children. Human actions lead to the greatest suffering, dangers, and survival risks for other forms of life.

 Along this the need for military expenditures will decrease greatly and about 1500 billion dollars a year may be released for reducing environmental problems and meeting the basic needs of all people worldwide.

There must be a continuing worldwide campaign centered in all educational institutions and communities regarding rebuilding a world based on peace, environmental protection and sustainably meeting the basic needs of all people.

For resolving environmental problems, the widely prevailing acquisitive and consumerist tendencies are a huge obstacle and instead the social values of frugality and voluntary acceptance of a simple life are needed. These social values should emphasise seeking happiness in good social relations and sharing rather than in endless pursuit of greed and luxury.

Resolving of all serious environmental problems and protecting of all life forms should get very high priority.

The objectives of ending hunger, homelessness, and other serious forms of deprivation should get equally high priority and must remain on top of the agenda till achieved.

A lot more effort should go into improving social relationships at all levels (family, community, workplace, etc.), based on closer and more compassionate relations, while ending all forms of discrimination. Women should get much higher respect. All discord based on religions should end with leading spiritual leaders from all parts of the world contributing to this and emphasising harmony among people of all religions.

In my book ‘Earth without Borders’ I have raised several possibilities of alternative world governance structures that may be needed for some of the most essential tasks like ending all weapons of mass destruction and resolving the most serious environmental problems. However at a broader level it is important to emphasize the need for a big and broad-based, continuing, sustained mobilization of people worldwide on the most important issues of peace, justice and environment protection.

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Vol 57, No. 5, Jul 28 - Aug 3, 2024