PM Modi and Bihar election
Radhakanta Barik
Modi had nothing to show public in Bihar and hindutva was proud of winning Bihar. Fascist forces got the victory with the support from upper castes and upper classes. They have no love for Bihar. Their children have migrated out. Their children are out. They are not concern of prosperity of people. They are for the fascists.
After the BJP as a coalition partner in Bihar ruled almost fifteen years. The state has reduced to be a poorest state with the highest percentages of people are poor. Their economic situation made one family out of two goes out for work. They go for non skilled and semi skilled works. Their per capita income has fallen. The state having those industries have closed down like sugar factories. The state government has not created industrial clusters in the state. With the division of the state into two Jharkahanda and Bihar the state of Bihar has been reduced to “miti and pani’ or mud and water which affects the economy today. Modi government assured them to provide a special package which has been pending for years. Modi’s coming has not benefited the state. UPA government provides AIMS which got inaugurated by Modi just before the election in Dharabhanga.
Ambedkar's last observation on the floor of Constituent Assembly regarding the contradictions Indian Republic is going to experience in coming days that poor has the right to vote but no social and economic rights. The only right a poor has in India and slowly during the Modi regime these poor are losing their rights to the rich and powerful through the EVM and money and muscle power of the rich. Corporate capitalism is getting the support of three Ms that Money power, Muscle power and third is EVM all combined are squeezing the voting power of the poor. The poor may be the majority but they cannot rule now. Democracy was offering something to the poor and rich are grabbing those: schools are taken over by the private players, hospitals are taken over by the rich and food for the poor grabbed and exported outside. Modi as a magician is creating wonders in Democracy. He as a magician knows how to take the poor man's votes into his pockets. Political analysis by the experts on Bihar politics breaks down to some caste groups which is a painful sight. A leading Professor Delhi university Prof MP Singh in his article titled: Yadavisation of Bihar politics' I raised a question to him that no single caste or combination of castes will help winning election. It is the social coalition with a definite economic programme brings change. This was happening when Laloo was in power. Tejeshwi has got the support of youths of all castes but analysis started by journalists in India Today as the rise of the Yadavs which pains me as a scholar on Bihar and looks at the progressive Bihar society.
At the airport there is a board telling that every action is meant for the Nation. Modi's picture is hanging there. A nation is in a decline stage in every field, be it economy, culture and society. His every action has disrupted our society and nation. Politics of India is going to change after the election result of Bihar is out. Modi will lose its legitimacy. All his anti people policies will lose its teeth. These policies will be on paper. All three agricultural bills will be dead ones. All his anti farmers and anti workers policies will be dead. All NRc and CAA are going to jokes. This is the day Modi started his path of destroying modern economy. He started in mid night by declaring demonetisation. The economy went down by minus 2. Then he declared Lockdown in midnight which pushed economy by -12 percentage and unemployment by 24 percentages. The corona cases in millions. Modi symbolised as destruction of economy and society and democracy. Top journalists of the electronic media maintain lover's relationship with the BJP and Modi. India Today having editors feel pains while discussing the election politics of bihar. They cannot reconcile to the fact that votes for the Gonthabandhan are against Nitish Kumar not Modi. They have committed hirakari by not breaking their alliance with Nitish. It is a thevote against Nitish not Modi as he still the crowd puller. They feel pains while reconciling to political reality of Bihar. These journalists are the night angels. Maxim Gorky went to America and stood near Statue of Liberty and felt like it is a ghost. During Trump's time it turned into ghost. Like the ghost he lost logic and his actions affected the freedom of many nations like Iran whose people suffered in his hands. The ghost becomes the friend of Modi whose actions affected the freedom of Indian people. Trump's defeat brings the statue of liberty from the influence of ghost. Modi is the next. Maxim Gorky went to America and stood near Statue of Liberty and felt like it is a ghost. During Trump's time it turned into ghost. Like the ghost he lost logic and his actions affected the freedom of many nations like Iran whose people suffered in his hands. The ghost becomes the friend of Modi whose actions affected the freedom of Indian people. Trump's defeat brings the statue of liberty from the influence of ghost. Modi is the next. For the first time the fourth estate has lost its position in India. 70 years democracy has never pushed media to the margin. The issue in bihar election has come up that media has not discussed the plight of migrant workers while they were walking on the street. They have not discussed the flood and it's problems. Media has been reduced to roles of Dalals who have taken money from the BJP working for them. They have lost their position of fourth estate. Street of Bihar has decided to vote against Modi. They look at UP as goonde raj. Bihar election has decided to go against Modi Yogi. This anger is leading them to vote for Tejeshwi and Rahul. This election has one vote and two results.
Prof Radhakanta Barik (retd), Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi
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Nov 14, 2020
Prof. Radhakanta Barik
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